Tuesday, September 27, 2011

City Hall, Please

Eli absolutely loves the Pasadena City Hall. I can't blame him - the italianate architectural touches with tall bell towers and tiled roof tops, the rose garden with packed DG walk ways, and of course - the fountain!

This time we went to file for Router's license. Unfortunately, we will have to apply to the County of Los Angeles instead of the city because of zoning laws. Sheesh. Oh well, the trip wasn't totally in vain... Eli got to play in the fountain!

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Almost Home...

Shaun and I (and Uncle Bear on his free afternoons) have been trying to get the last of the repairs, unpacking, hardware installation, patching and cleaning done. It's never ending, but we are almost there to the point of being able to say we have actually finished moving in!

Now, when will be ready to throw a house warming party? That's another question...

As you can see, we still need another bookcase and an end table or something in the living room, and there is still a long way to go to get the office/side room done.

But it is finally starting to be 'home'!

Dyeing with Moscato - I mean, Dyeing AND Moscato!

My mom came down to help with the lambing - though it doesn't look like there will be any after all. So we had an impromptu dye party at the farm today, featuring a Moscato tasting party!

We sampled Californian and Australian varieties, but our favorite is still Trader Joe's $5-a-bottle Villa Alena Moscato.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Dinner is Served

 The first official dinner at our new house - Pat & Bear & Carlean came over and we had a nice spread. I made Spanish-style fish with tomatoes and herbs baked on them and pasta. They brought salad and veggies and the sweets - chocoaltes and moscato!

Monday, September 5, 2011


I started work this week. And, now that it's the day before the kids are supposed to be starting school, we finally got their rooms in order enough for them to join us at the new house!

Amazingly enough, the major construction in the main bath also got nearly completed! There are still lights and electrical outlets that need to be put in, but for now, we have solid walls, floors and windows, and we are ready to actually *live* here!

Shaun was so nice to put in my pendant lights and curtain rods :) And he got to practice his balancing act at the same time!

The first weekend promised no rain, but did deliver it - mostly on the mountain side. But there was also an amazing full-arch rainbow shining through the mist.