Sunday, September 23, 2012

The Great Olive Caper

 My latest experiment: Olives! Our tree out front has decided it is happy enough to give us a meager crop. I can't tell what kind they are, perhaps some kind of arabequina. Uncle Bear helped me strip the lowest branches of the semi-ripe skinny little olives. Unfortunately, the olive flies beat us there - about 80% had little bore holes in them and had to be tossed.

I got about 3 1/2 cups worth of good olives after sorting. Of these, half I smashed with a mallet and the other half I painstakingly slitted along the sides before dumping them into baggies with water to soak some of the extremely bitter oleuropein out before brining. It took 2 weeks changing their water every day till they were mellow enough! Now the long wait to see what they will taste like...

Saturday, September 22, 2012


Abi finally got her wish - a new guinea pig! She named her Emily after some friends she made at Jami's horse camp this year.

Suki is not impressed. In fact, he doesn't even care. I guess it's a good thing he has no prey instinct, since Abi insists that Emily join us inside. Shaun put in a lot of work fixing up a hutch that Aunt Pat and Uncle Bear found - Emily is supposed to be an outdoor pig!

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Abi's Do

Since Jami taught Abi how to rag-roll her hair to curl it, I have been employed to make sure she has curly hair for every important occasion. Here is Abi on her first day of school:

And here is Abi without curls, but with a brand new haircut!