Thursday, December 27, 2012

Sanamluang Cafe

Aunt pat treated us to lunch at our new favorite Thai place in North Hollywood. It was sooooo good! We each got a different dish and shared.

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Christmas Morning

 The kids waited ever so patiently for Christmas morning without rumaging through their presents - better than I can say for Suki. He opted to explore the Christmas tree and ended up knocking down a couple of glass ornaments. Next year... plastic!

Favorite gifts for Eli this year: Jump rope and hall bowling, a big fuzzy blanket, and Nintendo toys!

Favorite gifts for Abi this year: iPod and tons of new clothes!

Monday, December 24, 2012

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Angels' Yule

Angels' Yule was an intimate event this year - only about 30 showed up. But the feast was delish, and the entertainment was delightful. Shaun was ever so good to drill out spots for candles on our Yule log for the table decorating competition.


Part of the evening festivities was a bardic competition. Abi lead the group in the 12 Days of Christmas. She didn't win, but she was recognized specially by the B&B.

I entered a gluten-free chocolate yule log cake  for the dessert competition - and it won!

Other events of the evening included the firing of the table-top marshmallow catapult. It's small, but effective!

This last pic is not actually from Angels' Yule, but Altavia Yule. We ended up arriving after the feast and just got to hang out for the rest of the evening chatting and enjoying time with friends.

Friday, December 14, 2012

Holiday Organ Spectacular at the Disney Hall

 By popular request, we attended the organ recital at the Disney concert hall again this year. It did not disappoint!

The organist was funny and incredibly talented, and the singer was lovely. As soon as she came on stage in her dazzling burgundy dress, Eli exclaimed - "purple!" I think he enjoyed it, too :)

Saturday, December 1, 2012