Sunday, March 31, 2013

Easter is Green and Yellow and Orange and Blue and...

 Eli and Abi got a kick out of dyeing eggs in food coloring this year. We started out with brown eggs, which made the colors really rich.

For Easter dinner, we set up two tables, though there were only 12 of us this year. We were glad to see Bjo, but John had a cold so he stayed home.

Mia and Cottie, Joan, and Aunt Marian came too...

... and Router invited herself into everyone's laps

A Feast!

And of course, what is dinner without stories? Bjo is recounting one of her "No kidding, there I was..." stories from a trip to Hawaii

Sweet desserts!

Friday, March 29, 2013

Science Center

Uncle Bear took us on a field trip to the Science Center. Unfortunately, he twisted his ankle the day before, so he chauffered us but then sat and let me run aruond the kids. They loved all the hands-on activities there.

Abi's favorite room was "Around LA"  - an exhibit with information on garbage and environmental issues. The glass box in this picture is about 12 feet tall, and totally filled with paper waste. This is how much paper waste (not any other type of waste) is estimated to be thrown away by each person in LA every year.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Descanso Gardens

Abi brought her sketchbook along again for drawing flowers. Don't you love the red hair?? :)

We had tried to visit over the weekend, but Descanso was having their Cherry Blossom Festival and it was packed - about an hour wait in line just to get in!! So Aunt Pat brought us back a few days later during the week. The sakura were still lovely.

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Dye Party

Fiber group convened at my house this month - and we wined and dined and dyed!

Lots of projects done - from roving to yarn to silk scarves!