Monday, June 13, 2011

Last Night in Idaho

Jacinda, Jami and Mom helped me put together a couple of Moroccan dishes for dinner tonight in honor of Matt & Jacinda's last night in Idaho. Matt White donated a couple of his chickens for the feast. They were huge Cornish-Cross birds, and must have weighed 7 lbs each. Delish! Thanks, Matt!

Matt & Jacinda had friends Ailie, Luke and Kohen out, and we ended up getting a hayride on Matt's hay wagon, too.

 Jacinda was snapping pictures along the way, and Zeph sat with Jami. He was humming as the tractor bumped along and Jami bounced him on her knee. It was so cute. As soon as he went back to his mom, though, he decided he was done entertaining us!

A few images of the countryside near the farm...

This is the family farm on Kuna Road, with the New York Canal in the foreground and the Boise Mountain range in the background. It was such a pleasant evening with whispy purple and blue clouds and warm breeze.

We love you, Matt, Jacinda and Zeph!

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