Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Work Days 3 and 4

 Yesterday I took the kids on a very long shopping trek to Home Depot and two different JoAnn's to get paint and painting supplies and the material to sew the sheers for the front windows. It took several hours today to get it cut and hemmed and the hardware put up. At least now from the outside, it's not so obvious the house is still empty and in the process of renovation. The process of ordering cabinets, hardware, fixtures, counters, and windows on-line has actually been fairly quick and painless compared to having to drive down the street to the hardware store or Lowes (as Shaun has done) to try to find things locally for repairs.

Uncle Bear and Abi prepped the two back bedrooms for painting, and got a start on Abi's ceiling before Abi slopped a big bird-poop sized splatter of paint in her face. Good thing it's not oil-based, it washed off relatively easily and she seems fine. After that though, Abi was relegated to broom-duty for the rest of the afternoon.

The electrician is supposed to be out before the end of the week to fix the doorbell (that rings randomly, and not when you press it) as well as to update the 1950's fuses and make sure the rest of the wiring is modern enough to be up to code. We will also have a couple more ceiling lights put up in handly places like the panty and closets.

Next week maybe the plumber will come out and we can get the kitchen sink plumbing repaired and the various pipes that are being dripped into buckets in random corners of the attic/crawlspace....

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