Thursday, January 26, 2012

Ground Force

Aparently Spring hits Pasadena in January. Since things are greening up already, I'm getting a start on my gardening! I rolled newspaper pots for tomatoes, peppers, and some very leggy saffron last weekend:

And outdoors this weekend we started off with a little donation from the sheep at the Foothill farm...

A little protection from the elements and rampaging kids and dogs...

 And a new herb bed!

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Merry Epiphany!

It's Christmas part-2 this weekend, with a beautiful feast of Salmon in pastry up in the Great Hall at the farm.

We are so blessed to have such loving family, but they also showered the kids in loot! Favorite gifts this year? Abi votes for the Energizer Hamsters. She named hers 'Cornflower' and Eli's, 'Hamtaro'.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Pack It Up

The last day of camp is always so sad. Lots of hugs with friends, rolling and stuffing sleeping bags and chests into cars, looking for those elusive few items that always seem to get lost.

 Since the snow waited till the last night to arrive, we had to take the opportunity to play before driving down the mountain.


 Cora's tradition of throwing a snowball at Jamal sort of back-fired.

*We now return you to your regular scheduled sunshine*

Famous Last Breakfast

A recipe brought back from the family tour up the Inside Passage and into the goldmining regions of Alaska and Canada has become famous, and indespensable even, at Winter Weekend - Baked French Toast. It's more like bread-pudding but custardy and drowning in caramel sauce. The crew for Sunday morning breakfast consisted of Aunt Pat and Uncle Bear, Carlean, Sherry-Courtney and Sherry-Emina, Morvin and myself. Jami was there, but she cleverly avoided getting in the pictures by holding the camera...

Breakfast is served!

The feasts at Winter Weekend for the past several years have been taken on by Sir Jamal, a culinary force as well as a martial force. The last feast night we had a whole smoked boar (to the delight of the boar hunters!) and roasted shoulders.

The Hill Battle and Other Fun

Tofi showed up on Satuday, and Luke was really pleased to have someone else his age there to hang out with. Of course, Tofi was a bit of an instigator....


Finally, they guys got to escape the hall and get into some armor! 

Some quick footwork practice with the naginata while they waited...

And then off to the mountain!

 An innocent bystander? Or... ?

After the hill battle, Uncle Bear organized some more fun, this time with swords and ladies. Sword dancing!

Dancing called on account of snow! Just a few flakes that afternoon turned into an actual snowfall that evening as the cloud descended upon the mountain.

Luke got in one more fight with Tofi with the shenai before dinner.