Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Winter Weekend 2012

This year marked the 29th annual Winter Weekend event. Jami and Luke came down again, and there were some of the other familiar faces in the throng, too. Greg (Uber-Duke Gregory) and his son Alex joined our shinanigans for the whole merry weekend.

   There were board games going nearly at all times, of course. 
Jami, why do you look so suspicious? There's never anything foul or sinister going on in Munchkin...

All is well; she got her ghoul-lash!

 At the other end of the table, there was less goofing off! Aunt Pat worked on beading, Carlean was knitting, and I was finishing hemming garb (for that weekend of course.)


 That's a mischevious smile, Carlean...

 Despite sitting at the table wrapped up most of the time, Luke actually did get out and may have even had fun. (Or at least we think so because there was a smile or two caught on camera!) Abi spent her time up by the stone hearth when she had breaks between homework and games.

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