Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Garden Update

My "Medieval" raised bed garden is coming along nicely. The peas have set and the "Sutton's Harbringer" in the far corner are ready to be harvested! The other variety I planted for snow peas for stir frying have turned out to be a little more stringy than I had hoped, so I will just let them finish maturing and harvest them as shelling peas instead. They have very pretty purple flowers, so I will definitely grow them again, even though they got a little out of control and needed some creative reining-in...

"Dwarf Gray Sugar" Peas

"Black Valentine" long string beans and a cucumber vine

"True Red Cranberry" shelling beans and broccoli plants in the front, with peas and a zuccini peeking from behind

 Most people regret planting zuccini because they end up not being able to handle pounds and pounds of fruit at a time. I have the opposite problem, however. We could easily deal with a dozen zuccini a week, but our little zuccinis turn yellow and fall off before they get big enough to harvest. This little guy in the picture is only 3" long... still too small :(

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