Saturday, October 27, 2012

Happy Halloweeeeeen

We went all out to set up a 'treasure hunt' type of party scene for the kids so that they could have one last big 'kid' Halloween this year. Aunt Pat, Carlean, Abi and Shaun strung lights and cobwebs on the side of the house. Shaun and I set up a stone wall 'graveyard' in and around our garden with styrofoam tombstones. Abi and Aunt Pat hunt more cobwebs and vampire bats from the trees on the side. Shaun and Uncle Bear set up the spooky fortune teller tent complete with dangling lanterns and a crystal ball. We got pieces from an old costume Shaun wore in one of their SCA quests - a giant or ogre - and set him up with a bubbling cauldron full of candy. There also was a ghostly dancefloor and a dragon's cave, complete with dragon head poking out to guard the remains of valiant but unlucky knights and a bowl full of glowing gems and chocolate coins. Inside the kids got to decorate cookies and discect a Jell-o brain while the (exhausted) adults watched Labyrith.

On Halloween night, Eli - dressed as Mario - and Abi - dressed as an angel - made their last trick-or-treating rounds. It's hard to believe they are already nearly in high school! Next year we will probably do movies and pizza and maybe a costume party without the trick-or-treating. Growing up doesn't mean they have to stop having fun :)

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