Saturday, November 20, 2010


Getting to the ASHA conference in Philidelphia was no easy trick. After being re-routed and staying over night in Seattle, I made it to Boise with the kids, then on to Newark. The trains after midnight don't run that frequently, so I waited till 1:30 to hop the NJT to Penn Station in New York. Jacinda and Zeph graciously greeted me, and I got a couple hours sleep before hopping on the 7:17 Amtrak down to Philadelphia. Unfortunately, that train ended up being delayed a couple hours, so I didn't get to the conference before 11am.

The ASHA conference was overwhelming - so many people all converging, trying to be heard and seen. There was only one session I was able to attend, but it was a good one. The presentation was over the current state of research on causes of Autism. Briefly, what she contended was that it lie in genetic coding for brain (grey and white matter - but more white matter) development that "unfolds" over different periods during childhood years. It was really encouraging how insistent she was about the plasticity of the brain and how much environmental input can benefit kids (and adults) with Autism. I also got a chance to do my poster presentation with Dr Seikel, whom I have been anxiously waiting to see again. He's great! Such a positive person, and a real mover and fountain of ideas and productivity. I think his vita must be about 12 pages by now...

Anyways, after the conference I had a couple hours before I could get on the return train to NYC. I took in a quick turn around the block by the conference hall and walked by the Old City Hall (below), Ben Franklin's house, and grabbed a bite to eat at a posh Indian restaurant called Bindi (NOT the Hard Rock Cafe - Sorry, Luke! But at least I got a pic of it for you!)

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