Sunday, January 30, 2011


Abi decided that she wanted to get a haircut and donate her hair to Locks for Love. I went along for moral support and to document the event. Oh yeah, and I was the driver, too :)

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Fisch Farsure

The Caid A&S Pentathalon is coming up, so I'm getting a little practice in. This recipe turned out quite nicely. I was thinking of doing a whole bird (and re-pluming it), but I may do a table of 'gilded' foods instead.
The notes in my cookbook suggest that guilded meat (meat pies) were very common, so I would take that to the next level and try to make a 'table of all good things to eat.'
In that case, I would do fish, fowle, and meat: a stuffed game hen, fish fillets (or perhaps a whole trout, but I don't like picking through bones), and then a ham (ground pork loaf) as a suckling pig. There would also be guilded fruit (apples and pears).

Here's my first try at guilded fish.

I used a Tilapia fillet sprinkled with sage, parsley, garlic and salt. Then I made the 'Rich Pastry Dough - Pate Brisee' suggested in the Medieval Kitchen cookbook. I rolled it to 1/4 inch and sealed it with water, brushed with 1 egg yolk + about 1/4 cup hot water with steeped saffron. This was baked at 350F for 40 minutes. The fish was perfect and flakey, though a bit bland for my taste. Next time I may take whole fresh sage leaves and parsley and pulverized garlic (as was suggested for guilded chicken recipe).

Friday, January 21, 2011

Pillow-fight Therapy

It was just one of those days....

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Winter Weekend, Part 2

Sledding was probably the favorite activity of all the kids - especially Eli. Everybody got involved...

Monday morning sadly did eventually come, and we packed up and headed home.

Once down the hill and home, it was amazing how much stuff we found that we were able to squeeze in our vehicles!

... Can't wait to do it all again next year!

Winter Weekend, Part 1

At long last, I am posting pictures from Winter Weekend!

Jami and Luke flew down from Idaho to join us for the fun. Abi rode up the night before with Cora and her mom and Fran, while Luke, Eli, Shaun, Jami and I packed in the car the next day and made our way up. The campsite at Benneville Pines was nestled in snow, but it was a pleasant 30-50F the whole time we were there.

Eli quickly adjusted and enjoyed going to the "cafe hall" (main hall and dining area) every day. He played board games and DS while the rest of us played "Midgard", worked on spinning or other crafts, or just enjoyed the food.

Jami and the girls got in some archery from the deck, while the boys provided entertainment in the form of live targets. Later the guys got to play in the woods, battling up and down the hill.

Saturday, the kitchen crew set up for the traditional (and much anticipated) Baked French Toast breakfast.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Bowling Party

Jami and I took the kids - Luke and his friend, Shelby; Samantha and Harrison, Abi and Eli - all out bowling today.

Eli really likes Emerald Lanes. Here he is making Lane Angels while he waits for his turn.

Just the night before, Jami had invited me and Shaun out dancing with some old SCA friends. It was great to see Shanna and Toni! I learned how to do the Electric Slide (but don't ask me to try to do it on my own) and Shaun learned how to write his name with his butt (ask Jami...). The kids took pity on our sleep-deprived state; everyone was good and had lots of fun!

 Jami found that playing with her camera settings, she could get some really nice artsy pictures. This one of Abi was taken in the backseat of the car on the way home.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Years!

We had a Christmas - Part 3 on New Years morning with all the family. Mom found a site for streaming the Rose Parade, and we had our traditional breakfast buffet. We had gotten to video-chat with Matt and Jacinda and Zeph in New York, and with Dad in Ohio the night before on Skype - but we still missed them, just the same.

Shaun got a call in with everyone down in California to wish them Happy New Years, too!

New Years Eve Feast

These are pictures from our New Years Eve dinner. Red shared her family recipe for clam chowder, and Mom made beer bread. Everyone had fun and plenty to eat!