Saturday, April 30, 2011

Return to the Farmers' Market

 I had to leave at the crack of dawn this morning for a blood draw and when I got home, Eli was already up and having a crusty day. So, since he needed a change of scenery, I took the opportunity to get back to the Farmers' Market in LA.

We left about 8:30, and it was perfect timing. We sailed downtown on clear freeways and found a parking place right up close in front of Cost Plus. Eli immediately scoped out a cafe that he wanted to have lunch at.

It seems like every time we go we find a new good thing - and this cafe definitely is a good one to go back to. It's called 'Morels' and it is a French Bistro style steakhouse.

Eli had packed himself a lunch for the day, so we walked around till they opened and then sat down and had an early lunch together while watching the fountain in the background.

Morels had an awesome menu of hors d'ouver cheeses or olives. I got the Spanish Sheeps Milk Manchego cheese and Moroccan olives. OMG, so tasty! Unfortunately I didn't think to get a pic before I devoured the cheese and the tasty little toasts, but you can still see the quince paste and honeycombe on the board it came on. The olives were tossed with vinegar, minced herbs (mint, chervil, and ?) and baby lettuce. Yum! And the waiter brought me a plate of puff fritters with raspberry jam made in-house, just cuz he was a nice guy. Everything was great.

After our snack, Eli and I headed back into the market and got his GF pasta from Papardelle's pasta stand, and we made a quick stop at Cost Plus. The day was looking up :)

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