Saturday, April 23, 2011

Spinning Flax

I picked up some bleached flax and decided to give it a go again. The last time I had anything to do with flax was my failed attempt at growing it in order to try all the processing steps start to finish. Unfortunately I miscalculated how long llamas can actually stretch their necks. Who knew that flax was such a delicacy? :(
Due to garden constraints (down to just patio pots for now) I will not be growing it again any time soon.

Spinning flax is not actually as hard as it is made out to be. But it is very fussy when you are used to spinning wool. I have tried several methods and find the best success with dipping only my left hand or leading hand fingertips (yes, I know I'm backwards but that's how I learned and I can't un-learn it now) in a small dish of water while I spin to keep the fibers quite wet. I have tried spritzing the strick and licking as I go along, and neither are really as satisfactory for getting the fibers to hold together while introducing twist.

I will post more once I get a bobbin done and plied. My end goal for this lot is to weave it in a simple huck pattern.

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