Monday, June 11, 2012

Cali Visit, Part III

The sub-title for this post is "The Good, the Bad, and the Wacky." It started when the boys wanted to go clubbing. One problem with that: there are aparently so few bars that alow under 21's in, that they go out of business. So instead we headed for Hollywood to cruise the boulevard and people-watch. An amazing number of costumed tourist-swindlers were out. We got a picture with Gene Simmons and a shot of Chuck Norris' star to remember the spirit of the evening. :)

 The next silliness occurred at the big dinner out at Tori Yen. Not only was there a plague of frog sighting, but then we found we had been served Luke Sushi.

The next day at DisneyLand, the boys decided to look at some commemorative hats at the Mad Hatter shop. That's when Jamaica Man, Goofy and Captain Jack Sparrow appeared.

We had a great day at DisneyLand. Eli got to go on lots of fast rides with Shaun, Luke, Matt, Uncle Bear and Abi. Mom and I hung out did Pirates of the Carribean a few more times. We also did some of the classics all together, including Jungle Book Cruise and Haunted Mansion.

We got a reservation for an early dinner at the Blue Bayou. The food was delish, and way more than any of us could eat. Not yet ready to plunge back out into the heat, we took one more ride on the Pirates.

Then we headed over to Pirate Island (Tom Sawyer's Island) where the kids got to climb on stuff some more...

We took a spin through Autopia...

And then, unfortunately, we didn't time our exit quite well enough. We got caught in the light parade and fireworks show at 8:30 and barely avoided a total meltdown with Eli. In any event, it was still a fun day!

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