Sunday, January 20, 2013

The Hunt

As is customary, the boys put on their armor and line up as targets for the ladies to shoot at. The boars were good humored this year, but illusive - not as many actually let themselves get hit this time! Jami is getting ready to call on the hunt...

Sherry and Cora


And the hunt is on!

 Next, more of us armored up and picked teams for a hill battle. Everyone starts out with a bow and several arrows, but once ammo is spent it's down to single combat!

Saturday, January 19, 2013

A Proposal

 Everyone dresses up for the feast on Saturday night. Unfortunately that night dinner was very late. People were milling around, some of us were getting hungry and cranky.

Jami and I had been working on getting videos of all the different activities at Winter Weekend. So I thought nothing of it when she set up a tripod in the corner right next to our table...

It was quite a surprise when Shaun proposed right there in the middle of the hall. He had been planning this for months and - with a little help from Jami - it all came together :) Code: Salsa!!!!

A Highland Breakfast

 Starts with boiled eggs, rolled in gluten-free flour:

And then wrapped in chunks of sausage

... there were a lot of scotch eggs to make!

 Finally they get a coating of beaten egg and smashed rice krispies before they bake.

And then there was mixing of beer bread

And glazing the scones before they could be baked

Breakfast is served!

Friday, January 18, 2013

Winter Weekend XXIX


Time once again for our annual weekend of sloth and gluttony! The usual suspects showed up again to join us... 

Eli got to try cross-stitching


And Jami was really really industrius and completed a spiral beaded necklace for one of her pendants!

There was yet more gaming...

And Abi got a special thank-you gift for being Amina's page during Great Western  War - a hand-made shawl

Cora worked on an illuminated page for a school project. For her efforts, Master Thomas gave her an artist's set of media

There was also spinning and knitting

And a walk to Jenks Lake

... which was frozen!

And playing in the snow....


And playing with food!


... And then there was sleep.