Monday, May 6, 2013

Weaving 101

One of the really cool things about Abi's school, Aveson, is the way they draw in parents and community members involved in arts and projects to enrich the offerings they have for the students. I got to put on a 2-part weaving project in their afternoon arts program. The project idea came from the book "Woven Bag: 30+ Projects from Small Looms" and involved drawing a basic geometric shape on graph paper and sticking pins into the grid intersections whereever they touched the edge of the design. Then the 'warp' thread is strung back and forth between the pins on opposite sides. The 'weft' thread is woven in between these threads perpendicularly.

Of the 6 kids that participated, only 2 finished their projects. But it was still a fun learning experience.

And from the second day:

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